In this article you can read about the best stripclubs in Vienna. We covered the history of this scene and we update the text with yearly updates. You can read the most recent news at the top.
The yearly updates and the original review:
- Yearly update 2024
- Stripclubs update 2022
- Stripclubs update 2020
- The original article about the best striptease clubs in Vienna
Yearly update 2024
We have news about Maxim Wien, as this is the only real strip club in Vienna that posts news and information about the place regularly.
Maxim Wien has a really strong lineup in 2024, with more than 20 girls. Most of them can be seen on the club’s website, along with their availability. Most of the girls are from Romania, but there are also girls from Hungary and even from Austria as well.

The club is still one of the best brothels in the city; its rooms have been renovated, and a new room will be opened later in 2024. The entrance has been redesigned; it now has a big screen which shows information pieces and other useful content.
Maxim Wien is still strong on social media, especially on Facebook and Instagram. The club also has a regular newsletter, where new girls and promotions are announced.

Stripclubs update 2022
In 2022, Maxim Wien is still an all-in-one club, meaning that you can find striptease, sex and escort at the same place. And Maxim is the only club in Vienna where sex with the strippers is possible.
At the moment, there are about 20 Girls on Maxim website, most of them are a stripper too. The Maxim Girls are still high-class ones, speaking at least German or English at conversational level. All Girls have real photos on the website and most of them you can order for escort in Vienna as well.
If you visit the Maxim Stripclub, you can still enter it without paying any entree fee and enjoy the live music by a professional DJ. Because here were some renovations in the club lately, you can find newly equipped rooms with luxurious beds, whirlpool and other extra.
Sex Club and Night Club Maxim Wien
Kärntner Str. 61, 1010 Vienna, Austria
+43 699 17172031
Stripclubs update 2020
Since we have published this post on our blog in 2014, a few things have changed in the Wien sex scene considering stripclubs. Currently, there are far fewer stripclubs that are operational in the city, and most of the mentioned places have either closed down or dropped in popularity.
The only establishment that is still going strong is Stripclub Maxim Wien where you can still watch stripper ladies dancing and even have sex with them. Maxim Wien has become the most popular strip and sexclub in Vienna and the brothel has also acquired reputation outside of Austria as well. In 2020, people who are looking for a stripclub with sex often choose Maxim as their go-to establishment.
Some things haven’t changed in this stripclub, such as the no entry fee policy. However, there have been new things introduced into the Maxim Wien club, such as a fully equipped BDSM room, new stripper ladies and some minor changes to the interior and the rooms.
The stripclub is still in great condition, with comfortable furniture, friendly staff members and great music constantly playing in the background. The ladies who work in Maxim Wien often use the stage with the dance pole that is located in the establishment. This is a great way to watch the beautiful Maxim ladies dancing on the stage before inviting them to one of the rooms on the premises.
Reasons why you should choose Maxim if you’re looking for a stripclub Wien
Here are a couple of reasons as to why we recommend choosing Maxim Wien if you are looking for a stripclub in the city and it is still considered the best strip club in Vienna:
- No entry fee – as mentioned previously, Maxim Wien still hasn’t introduced an entry fee to their clients. This means that there are no obligations that you need to do in order to experience the atmosphere in the club. You can simply enter for free, order a drink and just see how you feel in the establishment before committing to one of the stripper ladies.
- High-End strip girls – another reason why it is worth visiting Maxim Wien is the fact that the club’s management still manages to find new ladies who are great and seductive dancers on the stage.
- Professional staff – the members of the Maxim team are all friendly and professional. In case you are not able to choose the right lady for the night, you can simply ask for recommendations based on your personal preferences. If you have questions or special requests, the staff in the club is usually able to help without any problems.
- Clean and comfortable rooms – since Maxim is a reputable establishment, it is required from them to supply clean and comfortable rooms for the clients. Thankfully, all of the rooms in the club are well-furnished and perfect for having sex with a stripper.
- Located in the heart of Vienna – the Maxim stripclub is conveniently located in the centre of Wien, in one of the safest districts in the city. The stripclub can be easily reached by public transportation and there are numerous hotels and other interesting places surrounding the venue.
If you spend your time in Wien, you can find several stripclubs in the capital of Austria.
The original article about the best striptease clubs in Vienna
Sex with the strippers
Basically it makes sense to distinguish between 2 kinds of clubs:
- stripclubs where sex with the girls is possible, hence they are brothels too
- stripclubs where sex with the girls is impossible
Although in Vienna brothels have become almost socially acceptable and regulated by the law there are of course still certain groups of people which prefer clean table dance and sex free strip action. If you do not want to cheat on your wife but still cop a feel with a stripper, that is ok.

But the vast majority of people will embrace the fact that all the girls that they see on the pole can also be booked for sex in the room at any given time or even taken out for escort time which yet again may include sex with the chosen beauty.
Why stripclubs are appealing
A strip club Vienna is always a nice way to spend your time if you want to get some distraction and possible more. There are dancers and strippers and if you go to the right place you can have sex too with the girls.
History of Stripclubs in Vienna
Roughly 20 years ago the first stripbars opened and became super successful within a short time.
It was because of law regulations that for the working girls from Eastern Europe a stripjob all of a sudden became the only chance to really make money through the sex industry legally. Brothels were not really legal but accepted. However the necessary visas that the girls needed to work were hardly given out under normal circumstances. So as it happens all the beauties worked in the stripclub which all of a sudden were popping out like mushrooms.
In the period of 1998 – 2002 you could find approximately 10 stripclubs only in the centre of Vienna in the first district.
- Beverly Hills Stripclub Vienna
- Viagra aka Planet Paradise which is now Maxim
- Starclub
- Big Apple – Man strip and female strippers
- Goldengate
- Mash
- Rush Hour
- Pasha
- Hollywood
- and more Vienna Strip Clubs
and they all had something going for them, they all made money and had their customers.
After the integration of Hungary, Slovakia, Czech Rep., Romania and Bulgaria into the European Union a drastic change has given new life to the sexworking scene in Vienna – and all of Austria for that matter – and has eventually blown out the candles for real stripclubs without sex offered. It was this very integration of those countries which made it legal for them to work as prostitutes again in Austria.
Prices of Viennese stripclubs

As everywhere else in the world also in Vienna all stripclubs are basically bars with a showstage and a pole for the girls do perform. The prices vary according to the standard of the place. But the good places are never cheap. Some places charge an entry fee, some don’t.
Beverly Hills Stripclub charges 15€ entry fee and the prices for the drinks and for the table dances are very steep.
Stripclub Maxim Wien is a brothel but charges no entry fee. The prices are medium high and in order with the standard of the centre in Vienna. If you want to have sex with a girl there prices are
- 120€ for half an hour
- 200€ for a full hour
In Maxim 8 rooms can be found, 3 of them with jacuzzi.
Escort outcalls are possible as well and cost 250€ for the first hour.
Both places host bachelor parties and birthday parties, however Maxim will offer the much better deal in that case.
Famous Stripclubs in Wien
Beverly Hills is the most famous one but has lost all of its glory.
Maxim has been the most famous brothel in Vienna and by now is a famous stripbar as well.
It is simply due to the fact that the brothels in Vienna offer so much comfort and so many beautiful ladies that in fact the existence of a stripclub only is redundant. Sex clubs offer more.
Stripclub Maxim Wien is definitely a high-standard place with a big and nice bar area, fine lights and good DJs. There is a stage where you can see performances of sexy girls most of the time. The rooms are always clean with high-quality furniture and their size is medium or large. Every room has a shower. You will find gentleman-kind clientele and really pretty girls. The atmosphere is kind of international regarding both the clientele and the girls as they come from other European countries. The staff members are kind and helpful. They obviously work for the satisfaction of the clients.
If you are in Wien ready for a hot, erotic night, visiting one of the numerous stripclubs will be a memorable experience.