Bill Gates frequently visited Jeffrey Epstein’s stripclub

According to our sources, Bill Gates was good friends with the convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein and regularly visited his home which was built as a strip club. This information comes from an insider who was present at the conversations and saw both men talking and discussing various topics, including Bill Gates’ marriage. For further information about this news, keep reading the article!

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Bill Gates and Jeffrey Epstein’s friendship

Insider knowledge tells that Bill Gates has regularly visited Jeffrey Epstein’s home before his divorce with his wife Melinda Gates. According to our sources, the two men were close friends and Bill Gates was regularly seen around Epstein. Apparently, Bill Gates has been talking to Epstein about his toxic marriage with his wife Melinda and asking for advice on how to deal with the situation. The two men apparently met on numerous occasions between 2011 and 2014, most often in Epstein’s house in New York. According to the insider who was allegedly present at the meetings, this was Bill Gates’ way of getting away from his problems and marriage. Sources indicate that Melinda Gates has been asking Bill Gates to end his friendship with Epstein all the way back from 2013.

Spokesperson for Bill Gates denies these accusations

The official spokesperson for Bill Gates has denies all accusations that Bill has had any relationship with Epstein or that he has visited his home. Additionally, it was also denied that Bill Gates has ever spoken in a derogatory way about his marriage with Melinda Gates.

At this time we are not sure which source tells the truth and we probably won’t be able to find out the full truth without Bill Gates’ honest statement. In case any new information emerges, we will keep you posted!

Other stripclub articles from our blog

We have been constantly posting blog posts about stripclub news on our website. In case you wish to find out other interesting information, be sure to check out some of these related articles from our Strip Club Wien blog now!

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