News of Vienna stripclubs, brothels and other sex venues

museum quarter in Vienna

Despite the current situation, the paysex scene is still buzzing in its own way. Unfortunately, we can mostly talk about illegal apartments, pimps, human trafficking and the hardships sex workers currently go through. There is not much tourism going on and many women have lost their jobs since the brothels have closed in November 2020.

Strip Club Maxim Wien

However, the demand for paid sexual services is still there, the problem is that it had to pave its way into illegality. The government is trying to control the situation by initiating police raids, while prostitutes rely on minimal support thanks to their community.

Find out more about the latest happenings in the paysex scene by reading the stories below.

Sex Workers Getting Support in Vienna during the Covid-19 Crisis

During the Coronavirus crisis, it is hard to find a business sector that is not suffering economically as a direct result of the regulations. The paysex scene is one of these business models and since the brothels have closed, thousands of sex workers found themselves in an unpleasant situation.

The situation became even worse since November 2020, when most forms of legal prostitution were banned except escort outcalls. While prostitutes are struggling to make ends meet, Shiva Prugger, activist and dominatrix came up with a great idea.

She founded the Berufsvertretung Sexarbeit (BSÖ or Sex Work Association in English) to sex workers. Learn more about what her association is all about by reading the full article on Sex-Vienna: Sex-workers are fighting for survival during the tough times of the Corona Virus crisis

21-Year-Old Woman Barely Escapes the Trap of Her Loverboy

Yet another case where a loverboy tries to force a young girl into prostitution in the hopes of earning a few thousand Euros. This time, the story is about a Romanian guy (25) and his girlfriend at the time (21). The guy found an apartment for the two of them in Germering, Germany, then promised to find a decent job for her.

In fact, his plan was to force her to work at a sex club. Fortunately, the girl has found out about his plan and now the whole case is taken to court. The Romanian guy had it all planned out. He wanted to invest his money earned as a pimp to start working in the car trade business.

If you want to read more about how things unfolded, read the full article on Sexclubwien: Boyfriend tries to force his 21-year-old girlfriend into working in a sex club

Brothel Pascha Sold to Investor after Bankruptcy

Since the Coronavirus measures are in effect, many brothels have not only closed their doors but also went bankrupt. One of them was Pascha in Cologne, Germany, a reputed brothel that filed for bankruptcy in September 2020.

The establishment has recently been sold for a significant amount of money. It is still unclear whether the new owner is going to operate it as a brothel or intends to open a completely different business there. The name of the establishment is still Pascha, so they might need to change that in the future as well.

Read the full article of Pascha being sold to a new investor on Sex-Vienna: Pascha in Germany, Cologne sold to new owner after bankruptcy

75-Year-Old Pays for Sex and Gets Robbed in Vienna

The story of this 75-year-old man shows that having sex with a street prostitute can be quite risky. He found a 25-30-year-old lady who offered her sexual services to him and agreed to get down to business in his apartment. Unfortunately, the woman turned out to be one of the many scammers out there.

As she kept the old man busy, a guy and another woman entered the apartment with the intention to rob him. Since the old man was pretty much helpless, they took all his money and valuables and also beat him up. Shortly after they left, he called the police and reported the incident.

What happened to the robbers and who were they? Read the full article on Sex-Vienna for more: 75-year-old attacked while having sex

Human Trafficking Still Prevalent in Düsseldorf with Underage Victims

There are still lots of underage women falling victim to human trafficking in Düsseldorf, Germany. The pimps are now focusing on forcing them to work in illegal apartments instead choosing the streets. On top of that, the Covid-19 restrictions leave many prostitutes with no other choice but to work in apartments in the same way.

As long as brothels are not allowed to open, it is hard to keep illegal prostitution at bay. The demand for paid sexual services is still there, which only encourages human traffickers. Since illegal prostitutes cannot fall off the government’s radar, there is no way to protect them from being exploited.

If you want to read more about the current situation in Düsseldorf, make sure to read the full Sex-Vienna article:  Number of Underage Victims of Human Trafficking on the Rise

Prostitutes Keep Renting Out Illegal Apartments in Vienna and Graz

Since brothels are closed due to Coronavirus restrictions, thousands of prostitutes have lost their jobs. In order to make ends meet, they choose to rent out illegal apartments where they can provide their sexual services. The number of illegal apartments is currently sky high in Graz and Vienna and the police is struggling to control it.

Currently hundreds of them are active and the prostitutes change apartments in every couple of weeks. Thanks to the lack of tourists in these cities, there are plenty of empty apartments to choose from. This form of illegal prostitution currently pays off not only for the ladies but for the apartment owners as well.

For further information on the current situation in Vienna and Graz, read the full article on Sexclubwien: Illegal Apartments Rise in Numbers in Vienna and Graz

Many Illegal Apartments Successfully Shut Down by the Police in Vienna

The number of illegal apartments is constantly growing in Vienna, which is why the Vienna Police Department had to take action. They have decided to organize raids from March 1st to March 7th, using the information they collected from a total of 171 advertisements.

Both the prostitutes and the landlords who rented out their apartments got fined by the police. The demand for paid sexual services is not going to change any time soon. Moreover, thousands of women have lost their jobs, as brothels are closed since November 2020.

One potential solution would be to allow them to open, given that they follow the Coronavirus regulations. Read more about the current situation with the paysex scene and the police raids in detail in this Sex-Vienna article: Illegal Prostitution on the Rise in Vienna

Maxim Wien with a Strong Lineup of Escort Girls Ready for Outcall

Although Maxim Wien had to close its doors just like all the other brothels in Austria, they are still offering their services via escort outcalls. In February, they showed a strong lineup of 5 escort girls who are available for booking around the clock.

Recently in March, they have added 3 more girls to their lineup and also worked on their profiles. Those who want to meet up with their favorite Maxim girl can call via phone or book online on the official site. Although the girls are only available for outcall, satisfaction is guaranteed.

Read more about each of the available Maxim girls by clicking the following links: These Girls are available for Escort at Maxim Wien, 3 New Girls are Available for Escort by Maxim Wien

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